
最后更新 :2024-09-19 09:44:43

你所说的是nds版的吧,貌似只有这个版本,一下是该游戏的金手指,我大部分都试过很好用,只是最后一个会把你的所有精灵的最高连接数变为100%别的都挺好使的,■画面高速化520829B4 B3A01001120829B6 0000E3A0D0000000 00000000■SELECT按下去 钱999999 (订正版)5201D754 E3A04001E2004140 00000030E3A04001 E92D4007EB0125B1 EB0125D1EB0119E9 E1A01000EB0125AD EB0125C1E3A020A0 E0200291E58F0000 E8BD80070201D754 EBFF9A79D0000000 0000000094000130 FFFB0000B2004170 0000000000000014 000F423FD2000000 00000000■SELECT按下去 所有道具95个 (订正版)5201D754 E3A04001E2004140 00000030E3A04001 E92D4007EB0125B1 EB0125D1EB0119E9 E1A01000EB0125AD EB0125C1E3A020A0 E0200291E58F0000 E8BD80070201D754 EBFF9A79D0000000 0000000094000130 FFFB0000B2004170 00000000D5000000 0000005FC0000000 0000007DD8000000 00000018D2000000 00000000■宝箱金钱N倍(改xx值)5213CE08 E1A010075213DE08 E1A050001213DE08 00005xx0D2000000 00000000xx=08:2倍、10:4倍、18:8倍、20:16倍、28:32倍■SELECT按下去 全武将图鉴94000130 FFFB0000B20C4D94 00000000D5000000 00000003C0000000 000000F1D8000000 000013B0DC000000 00000003D2000000 00000000■SELECT按下去 全PM图鉴(貌似会当机 慎用)94000130 FFFB0000B20C4D88 00000000D5000000 43434343C0000000 00000031D6000000 00002580D2000000 00000000■[二周目用]全剧情开启520F858C E1A01004520F958C E3A03000E20043C0 00000038E92D4007 EB012512EB01252E E2800E13E2801026 E5D02000E3520000 03A0200505C02000 E2800001E1510000 1AFFFFF8E3A03000 E8BD8007020F958C EBFC2B8BD2000000 00000000■更改武将PM5225B174 E1821EA15225C174 E1D042B00200418C 020CE0C0E2004190 000000A8E1D042B0 E92D404FE51F6014 E5D63004E3130030 08BD804FE1D660B0 E3160B0203A06001 13A06010EB012595 EB01259FE0800281 E5D01006E201100E E0800001E1D020BE EB01258EEB012592 E7D01182E3530010 00811006E3530020 00411006E3510102 83A01000E35100C7 83A010C7E7C01182 E3A01001E2850A05 E5801DC8E1A00005 EB096034E3A01001 E51F0098E2800030 E3A0207FE3A03000 EB01BB41E3A04C01 E8BD804F0225C174 EBF6A005D2000000 00000000城を选択する画面「いちらん」で、カーソルをポケモンを変更したいブショーに合わせ←で-1h、→で 1h、Y押しながら←で-10h、Y押しながら→で 10hずつブショーのポケモンNoを00h~C7hの范囲内で変更(乱翻译: 在城池选择画面中选择いちらん 选择要更改的武将修改所持PM序号左键-1h 右键 1h Y 左键 -10h Y 右键 10h能更改的范围从00h到C7h) ■修改PM特性52244A8C E59003FC52245A8C E5D12422E2004270 000000C8E5D12422 E92D001CE59F40B8 E1D430B4E3130C03 08BD001C0A090600 E1D440B0E3140B01 03A0400113A04010 E2862C1EE5920628 E350000218BD001C 1A0905F7EB012557 EB012561E1D211BC E1D222B0EB012F5E E1A01000EB012551 EB012555E0800181 E5902004E1A01202 E1A01C21E3530C01 00811004E3530C02 00411004E3510102 83A01000E3510069 83A01069E1A01A01 E3C226FFE1822001 E5802004E59F0020 E2800030E3A01001 E3A0207FE3A03000 EB01BB03E8BD001C E3E01000E5861308 EA0905F802004338 020CE0C002245A8C EAF6F9F7D2000000 0000000052243890 E2800A0252244890 1A00000802244890 EA000016D2000000 00000000*変更したいポケモンのステータス表示画面で Lを押すと-1h、Rを押すと 1h、 Xを押したままLを押すと-10h、 Xを押したままRを押すと 10hずつ特性No変更 特性Noは00h~69hまで■捕获场出现随机PM9210B200 000099A41210B204 00008C210210B20C E35800C80210B210 224880C8D2000000 00000000■部分武将(需要道具触发神兽剧情)即不用道具就可以触发剧情5208C844 1A0000060208C844 EA000021D0000000 00000000■回复道具可以重复使用5214D2C8 EBFBD81B5214E2C8 E350004B0214E2C8 E1500000D2000000 00000000■Link 100% (不知道是不是只有best link才可以)5204F328 97D200000204F328 93A00064D0000000 00000000■武将技能可以多次使用5214B1B8 EBFF8ABA5214C1B8 E1A010090214C1B8 EA00000CD2000000 00000000■同一个月可以多次行动5210E8CC E1A018075210F8CC EBFD05560210F8D4 E1A000000210F8D0 EBFD05360210F8CC E3A02000D2000000 00000000■无限行动可能52135D38 E1A0300B52136D38 EBFC260402136D40 E1A0000002136D3C EBFC25F602136D38 E3A02000D2000000 0000000052137BAC E1A0000552138BAC E3A0200102004100 E2862A0702004104 E59225B402004108 EA04D2A8

The text you've provided seems to be hexadecimal data which is often related to game memory addresses or specific data entries in games, particularly in the context of Pokemon or similar roleplaying video games. Here's a breakdown:

Game Memory Addresses: The strings starting with `E1A0` and `83A0` etc., seem to denote hexadecimal addresses where certain values are stored in game memory. These might correspond to specific attributes (like stats, positions, etc.) of characters or items within the game.

Explanation of Commands/Changes: L/R Button Presses: `1h`, `+1h`, `10h`, `+10h` suggest that pressing buttons on the device can adjust certain variables by these amounts. This is likely related to changing properties like stamina, time, or status effects.

Specific Game Features/Changes: Random Encounter of PM92: The section starting with `9210B200` might relate to a feature where there's randomness in the encounter of Pokémon number 92 (assuming `PM` represents Pokemon). No Need for Special Items: The reference about part of the game that doesn't require specific items to trigger certain events could mean that some parts of the game are accessible or happen naturally without needing special items.

Usage of Items: The mention of "回复道具 can重复使用" translates to "reusable healing items", indicating that certain ingame resources might be used repeatedly without limitations.

Link Skill 100%: This could imply a specific condition where Link skills (likely related to cooperative or partybased mechanics) are at their maximum efficiency.

Repeated Use of Skills: The phrases like "武将技能可以多次使用" translate to "general skills can be used multiple times", suggesting that certain abilities within the game do not have a limit on usage per session.

Infinite Action Possibilities: Features like "[无限行动可能]" imply that there are ways or specific conditions under which actions or moves in the game can theoretically be performed indefinitely.

Technical Note: The string of `52` and other hexadecimal values followed by different commands could represent addresses where the game stores data about links (like Linkabilities), or it could indicate changes made through debugging tools that alter how certain features function within the game.

To fully understand this text, you would typically need a specific context such as which game this is referring to and potentially some familiarity with modifying game data using hexadecimal editors. The commands imply custom modifications for players looking to tweak gameplay mechanics in games that allow for such changes through debugging or hacking tools.

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